Tuition (24-25 School Year)
45 MINUTE CLASS • $60/month
60 MINUTE CLASS • $68/month
90 MINUTE CLASS • $85/month
*Private Lessons are priced per individual
Multiple Classes (per individual)
10% discount on 2nd & 3rd class
15% discount on 4th & 5th classes
20% discount on 6th & 7th classes
25% discount on 8+ classes
The fine print:
$40 Single Registration Fee / $55 Family Registration Fee
Monthly tuition is due the first day of each month. Failure to pay tuition will result in a suspension of class(es) until account balance is current.
Automatic payment is available for tuition fees only (if interested).
A late fee of $10 is added to all accounts not paid on or before the 10th of the month.
A $35 service fee is charged for any returned checks.
If you decide to discontinue classes, tuition that has already been paid is non-refundable and non-transferrable. A two-week cancellation notice is required.