Suncoast Academy of Dance offers many levels of dance education. We offer classes in ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, modern, hip hop, and acro. Our PreSchool classes include a combination of ballet and tap. We are confident that you will love our studio, instructors, and classes.


Mini Movers

(Pre-Kindergarten)• 45 MINUTES
AGES 3-4 - Mini Movers I
AGES 4-5 - Mini Movers II

A 45-minute introductory class in ballet, tap, tumbling, and creative movement. Young dancers begin learning basic steps, terminology, focus and coordination in a fun-filled, musical classroom setting.

Required Attire
leotard, tights or socks, black “Mary Jane” tap shoes, pink Bloch ballet shoes, a dance bag, and hair pulled back.
Boys: dance pants/shorts, comfortable shirt, socks, black ballet shoes, black tap shoes.

KinderMotion (K-Motion)


A one-hour class in tap, ballet/jazz, and introductory acrobatics. Kindergarten-aged dancers will form an understanding of how the styles of tap, ballet, and jazz are interconnected, and will be introduced to the fundamentals of acrobatic arts. This is a fun-filled, high-energy classroom.

Required Attire
leotard, tights, tan Bloch (slip-on) jazz shoes, black “Mary Jane” tap shoes, a dance bag, and hair pulled back.
Boys: dance pants/shorts, comfortable shirt, black Bloch (slip-on) jazz shoes, black tap shoes




AGES 6+*• 60-90 MINUTES

Our classical ballet classes include barre work, center floor work, and variations. Each class is taught at the appropriate age and level, stressing posture, alignment and body placement, working towards building technique and artistry.

Classes Offered: Level I, Level II, Level II/III, Level III, Level IV, Advanced

*Students entering Level I classes must be in at least 1st Grade.

Required Attire
black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, and hair in a bun.
Boys: black dance pants/shorts, white t-shirt, black ballet shoes



Tap is the only form of dance that creates its own music. Rhythm, music, and sounds are incorporated into each high-energy class through combinations, technique, and improvisations geared to the appropriate level.

Classes Offered: Level I, Level II, Level II/III, Level III, Level IV, Advanced

*Students entering Level I classes must be in at least 1st Grade.

Required Attire: fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, black flat tap shoes, and hair pulled back





Jazz is an American dance form incorporating many different styles. Depending on the instructor, style will vary from west coast to east coast, or urban to traditional.

Classes Offered: Level I, Level II, Level II/III, Level III, Level IV, Level V, Advanced

*Students entering Level I classes must be in at least 1st Grade.

Required Attire: fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, tan jazz shoes, and hair pulled back

Hip Hop


An umbrella term for many styles of dance. Movements such as popping, locking and breaking (“old school”) added to progressive movements that can come from anywhere or any time (“new school”) supported by popular music (rap, funk, R&B, techno) that is age-appropriate.

Classes Offered: Beginner (Age 6-9), Intermediate (Age 9-13), Teen (Age 14+)

*Students entering Beginner classes must be in at least 1st Grade.

Required Attire: loose fitting attire, black hip hop shoes, and hair pulled back





Acrobatics teaches flexibility, balance, strength, muscle control, coordination, discipline and concentration. Students will learn handstands, chin stands, elbow stands, cartwheels with variations, back bends, walkovers, various forward and backward rolls, along with other balance, partnering and contortion tricks.
* Based on skill level, other tricks could include front and back handsprings and aerial cartwheels.
**Ms. Colleen received Acrobatic Arts Certification in July of 2018.

Classes Offered: Level I, Level II, Level II/III, Level III/IV

*Students entering Level I classes must be in at least 1st Grade.

Required Attire: unitard or fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, bare feet, and hair pulled back




A beautiful art form which is a fusion of jazz, ballet and modern that conveys the emotion of a song’s lyrics. Intense emotional expression of the face and body are necessary to tell a story. Strong technique and flexibility enhance this stye.
* Ballet required

Classes Offered: Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV, Advanced

Required Attire: fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, and hair pulled back
(Levels I-III need Eclipse lyrical shoes)





A class in flexibility and strength. Through step by step progressions, students work to increase their flexibility through strength and control. Classes will focus on correcting alignment and promoting proper body placement to help protect against injuries. These exercises and stretches are for all dance styles and build a foundation for full-body awareness while increasing flexibility safely.

Required Attire: leotard and convertible tights, or fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, (no loose clothing) bare feet, and hair pulled up high on head.
Required Equipment: yoga mat, foam yoga block, Blue Thearband.

Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT)


An innovative training program developed by Marie Walton-Mahon to help students in understanding the depth of muscle memory and muscle activation needed to achieve their personal best in classical ballet and other styles of dance. Students of PBT see improved core stability, weight placement, and alignment.
*Ms. April received PBT certification in April of 2017

Required Attire: leotard and transition tights, with hair in a high bun

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*by invitation only

Pointe work is available for the more advanced dancer who demonstrates the technique, discipline, and control that is required for this art form. Students enrolled in Pointe are required to participate in two ballet classes each week.

Classes Offered: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Required Attire: black leotard, pink tights, with appropriately sewn and fitted pointe shoes, and hair in a bun



Modern dance technique teaches one how to use various movement qualities through the use of gravity, floor-work, fall and recovery, contraction and release, and improvisation. Originally created as a rebellion against ballet, it is performed barefoot and often in parallel. Movements are angular, weighted, and often challenge your center of balance. Modern dance is continually evolving and is integrated into Broadway, contemporary, and concert dance choreography.
*Ballet required

Required Attire: fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, bare feet, and hair pulled back





One of today’s most popular forms of dance, contemporary is not a specific form of dance, but a collection of styles and movements that draw from modern, ballet, and jazz techniques, dependent on the instructor’s style of choreography.
*Ballet required

Classes Offered: Advanced

Required Attire: fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, and hair pulled back


Summer Classes (Offered Schedule Pending)


Turns & Leaps


Turns and Leaps class focuses on body placement and alignment, as well as application of basic technique skills as applied to more advanced movements. Class will visit the basic skills needed to perform classic jumps and turns, as well as working on executing more complicated sequences across the floor and in center.

Required Attire: fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, tan jazz shoes, and hair pulled back

Pointe Prep


This foot articulation class is designed to help build foot and ankle strength and a deeper understanding of the technique required for pointe work. This is the ideal class for students close to being promoted to pointe work, students already en pointe looking to strengthen their technique, and any student who wishes to gain further control and articulation through their feet and ankles.

Optimum age to begin this class, 10+

Required Attire
black leotard, pink convertible tights that can be rolled up to uncover the feet, ballet slippers, and hair in a bun.
Boys: black dance pants/shorts, white t-shirt, black ballet shoes



Sugarfoot Therapy (SFT)


Sugarfoot Therapy is a Physical Therapy-based conditioning program for dancers. The program is designed to help reduce injury risk and to encourage longevity in a dancer's physically demanding career. Sugarfoot Therapy was created by MOTI PT Director Dr. Nick Cutri, DPT, and his wife Katie Schaar Cutri, who is a professional dancer & choreographer. Using the principles of functional biomechanics supplemented with traditional dance technique, SFT consists of functionally authentic movements to warm-up, mobilize, and stabilize the dancer’s body in all three planes of motion. By establishing a strong foundation of anatomically functional movement patterns, introducing tri-planar (three-dimensional) variability to these patterns, and finally adding dance-specific variables, SFT helps enhance dance technique and mitigate injury risk.
*Ms. Cleo completed her SFT Teacher Training in April of 2021.

Required Attire: fitted top, dance shorts/pants/leggings, bare feet, and hair pulled back
Required Equipment: socks, yoga mat, Pinky ball/tennis ball, blue Theraband, set of resistance bands/loops (with multiple densities)

